She Flew Away From My Reach
Today would have been Sabrina’s 8th birthday. I cant believe it. As the years keep running by I just keep thinking of Levi Lusko when he said “we are just another year closer to being reunited with her again”. Also how Dr. Betsy Guerra mentions in her book, Hurt 2 Hope, about experiencing a second death (swipe to read section). We need to keep her legacy going. So please join us today by paying it forward to bring a rainbow in some else’s cloud. Since Sabi was reunited with GOD we decided 6 years ago to always celebrate her earthly birthday by paying it forward. Whether it means to open the door for someone, buy a stranger a cup of coffee, lunch, gas, donate to a meaningful organization, or whatever you find in your heart and soul. I cant express how much we love this community and how you keep spreading our growing love story. Feel free to tag us on your sharing your love just like Sabi did for such a short time. Thank you family, friends and community for taking part on such a special day. 🙏🏼🦋🌈 Thank you Sabi for giving us the gift of Fia. We will be hugging and kissing her extra hard today.